Journalist Safety Downloads

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Safety Modules

The James W. Foley Journalism Safety Modules are intended to help educators at the undergraduate level create a culture that promotes safety for all journalism and communications students.

Full Module

Supplemental resources – MENA Region

Arabic translated modules

Covering elections module

Safety Guide

Designed for graduate students of journalism, The James W. Foley Journalist Safety Guide explores lessons from the HBO documentary film Jim: The James Foley Story.

Full guide

Seminar 1: Lessons from “Jim: The James Foley Story”

Seminar 2: How to Conduct Risk Assessments & What New Journalists Should Consider

Seminar 3: Case Studies from Journalists

Seminar 4: Risks to Consider in Covering Domestic Civil Unrest

Risk AsseSSMENT Resources

Risk Assessment for Journalists
 — Modified from Rory Peck Trust

Risk Assessment for Newsroom Mangers — 
Modified from Rory Peck Trust with input from Mark Zoromski, Director of Student Media, Marquette University