March 5, 2025

Foley Foundation Research Webinar

Hostage & Wrongful Detainee Landscape: Countering the Threat

On March 5, 2025, in an online event, the Foley Foundation will share our latest independent, nonpartisan research analyzing the threat of international hostage-taking. Learn how the threat continues to evolve, and what is needed to address it.

Continuing our seven-year groundbreaking Bringing Americans Home research series, our Director of Research and Hostage Advocacy, Elizabeth Richards, will present our most recent findings. Then, a panel of experts will explore the report’s implications, including how America can better deter and prevent the heinous practice of international hostage-taking.


Registering for the Webinar: After registering, participants will receive a link to the webinar that will be emailed separately on or before March 3.

We share research on U.S. hostage and family experiences, helping families advocate for their loved ones’ safe return, and promoting deterrence, including core safety education for journalists and other international travelers.

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