Foley Foundation Releases Inaugural Traveler Safety Guide

WASHINGTON, DC – The James W. Foley Legacy Foundation has released the inaugural James W. Foley Traveler Safety Guide. Authored by Foley Foundation board member Doug Patteson with contributions from former Foley Foundation Fellow Sam Goodwin and Foundation Education Program Director Tom Durkin, the Traveler Safety Guide reflects best practices and recommendations for how both new and experienced travelers can safely enjoy both international and domestic travel.

“Travel broadens horizons, opens minds and hearts, and connects us to our shared humanity,” said James W. Foley Legacy Foundation Founder and President Diane Foley, “but it is not without risks. At a moment when international travel is surging back following COVID-driven declines, Americans need to take vital precautions to ensure their safety when traveling overseas. The sharp rise in foreign governments detaining and unjustly holding Americans as geopolitical leverage is a worrying trend, but there are other, far more common threats that travelers face. With the right preparation, research, and caution, everyone can mitigate risks and enjoy their travel safely.”