Foley Foundation Welcomes President Biden Meeting with Whelan, Griner Families; Calls for Further Action to Bring Americans Home

WASHINGTON – Yesterday James W. Foley Legacy Foundation Founder and President Diane Foley welcomed the meeting between President Biden and Elizabeth Whelan, sister of Paul Whelan, and Cherelle Griner, the wife of Brittney Griner.

“The Foley Foundation is grateful for the meeting between President Biden, his senior national security leaders and the families of these wrongfully detained Americans abroad.”Ms. Foley said. These meetings demonstrate the higher priority our government is placing on the return of innocent US nationals.”

“However,” Ms. Foley continued, “the only real measure of our moral resolve is the actual safe return of our people.  Today at least 65 US nationals are being held hostage or unjustly detained overseas, many for longer than 4 years.”

On Friday, yet another family had gone public with the news their loved one is unjustly detained overseas. Twenty-four year old U.S. citizen Osman Khan has been wrongfully detained in Venezuela for months on false charges. His family has information that he is being tortured and is in a delicate medical state.

The James W. Foley Legacy Foundation calls for Osman’s immediate and unconditional release, and for the U.S. government to do everything possible to prioritize the return of Osman and all other Americans being unjustly held overseas.